Shadow Wars… Waking The Sleeper – The Sleeper Must Awaken – Dune

The Real  War Going On Under Our Feet That The Majority Of Humanity Is Completely Oblivious To.


Open your mind to the distinct possibility that this world is run by an unseen hand. What that unseen hand is needs to be exposed so humanity can unite against its true, real enemy. I am so sorry for you delicate emotions but there is nothing I can do to assuage them. Wake Up time is very very short. Go tell your neighbors and friends so we can all be tin foil hat conspiracy nuts fight club together. Then we win this thing.

Our world is not run the way you believe it is, because we are being ruled and farmed by others. Cliff High as just put out a wonderful challenge to ChatGPT of just this nature.

From Cliff High of Half Past Human newest Post is Directly Addressing this Pink Elephant in the living room.


AI Responses Summary.

Here is the link to the full Article with all the AI responses:

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