Give Me Something To Believe In – Oh Lord Arise

This is a sticky topic so before I begin I would like to ask you to put everything you think you know about the topics discussed up on a shelf for now and open your mind like a child. This helps to get past the life long programing that we are unaware we even have.

Can we assume for the sake of this conversation that Aliens exist, Anything not from Terra / Earth would be Extra Terrestrial or Aliens. Almost every ancient book and writing speaks about aliens so again place that initial Cognitive Bias on the shelf for now, that is the programming seeping though and telling you this isn’t possible. Remember Angles and Demons are not Earthly creatures so by means of logic they are extra terrestrials.

So if Race of beings came here long ago (thousands of years) to farm us like cattle, don’t you think they would put something in place to help control the flock? Now these humans are actually much higher on the spiritual side then the invaders. This is a big issue because properly disciplined Zen Masters for instance can wipe out an entire army of men by thinking about it. So keeping the HU from figuring out they are under a spell of forgetfulness and maintaining the illusion that we need a savior because we are weak is most important. Far from the Truth though!

All Current Belief Systems are merely control program’s so we never figure out the trap we are caught in and exit. If you are told over and over lies to make you believe you are a powerless creature who needs a God to do anything and then your ability to connect with the other realms is shut down by poisons. We unknowingly give away our power without the invading force having to fire a shot.

I am going to be using other peoples writings to convey the details because this is very long and typing it all out will take days.

Before we get into the details I want to share the overview / big picture: We are basically Eternal Spirit Beings having a 3D Physical Experience as part of the Source Creator / All that Is. However, We have been deceived into believing we are helpless sinners in need of a Savior or Whatever you want to put in its place.

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