The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announces that they officially are open to settling trade for Oil and Natural Gas in currencies other than the US dollar.
Details as I get them.
# Gold and silver huh? — 2023-01-17 20:08
# It is Coming Fast — 2023-01-17 19:55
I know many “replies” are missed, so I wanted to post this and add to my previous replies.
We’ve tried to warn people for many years this was coming through our ministry, about how the BRICS will come together and create a gold backed currency. As well as how the end of the petro dollar will be made. As has now been seen happening for many months, but with this it is being made “official”
Now we are seeing this happen in real time. They are collapsing the US dollar. Mainstream media will stay silent until they are given their scripts on what to say when it is their (WEF elites who own the banks and etc) time.
Knowing the banks, all the bills, loans, and etc will increase the dollar amount “owed” (loans, mortgages, etc) by whatever amount of inflation. They could also add it on by increasing the interest, and the “fixed interest” that some loans have will be made invalid by “laws” from congress or whatever.
But as far as anything a person has in their bank account, the bank will do their “bail ins” likely any time and take it. Peoples money will be devalued to nothing at best.
Its all coming, and with what else is happening probably Very soon. Especially with the FDIC video that was leaked just around a month ago where the heads were discussing how to keep the american people in the dark so they would not make a run on the banks. Of course the same is being done in all western nation.
Also the FDIC is supposed to make a “big announcement” this coming friday. And the day before that, this coming thursday, is when the US will once again hit the “debt ceiling”. This is all not a “coincidence”.
Regardless, we know for certain the people will never come out ahead. Having silver may help, but they could also do the same as they did in 1933 where they made it “illegal” for people to own gold and ALL of it (even gold certificates) was forced to be turned back in to the government in return for worthless paper currency. People may not believe that, but its happened before and back then they did not even have the digital sales records and etc that they do now.
So the best is to have food, fuel and other necessities first and foremost. Even then they may try to take that as well. Which is why they began several years ago with the “toilet paper” run calling people hoarders. Which that was caused by them pushing the reports in main stream media… even if people were stupid enough to worry about having paper to wipe their butt, instead of getting food to put in their mouth.
Time is running out for people to get what they need.
# Excuse me but…. — 2023-01-17 18:58
Isn’t this the ONLY thing holding the dollar up?
The fact that in the past, that other countries wanting to buy oil had to buy lots of US dollars?
How long is this house of cards going to remain standing?
Nothing in the mainstream press.
The sheep are busy watching football.
The sheeple are going to take the Electronic Currency without a thought because they are going to be terrified and on top of that, they did not educate themselves and plan.
We are toast… getting slowly burnt.
Really painful to watch this cllusterfuk of what was once a country going down the drain.
# RE: BOOM! Saudi Arabia Announces End of US Petro Dollar — 2023-01-17 18:33
# RE: BOOM! Saudi Arabia Announces End of US Petro Dollar — 2023-01-17 19:45
# RE: BOOM! Saudi Arabia Announces End of US Petro Dollar — 2023-01-17 19:43
Knowing the banks, all the bills, loans, and etc will increase the dollar amount “owed” (loans, mortgages, etc) by whatever amount of inflation. They could also add it on by increasing the interest, and the “fixed interest” that some loans have will be made invalid by “laws” from congress or whatever.
But as far as anything a person has in their bank account, the bank will do their “bail ins” likely any time and take it. Peoples money will be devalued to nothing at best.
Its all coming, and with what else is happening probably Very soon. Especially with the FDIC video that was leaked just around a month ago where the heads were discussing how to keep the american people in the dark so they would make a run on the banks. Of course the same is being done in all western nation.
Also the FDIC is supposed to make a “big announcement” this coming friday. And the day before that, this coming thursday, is when the US will once again hit the “debt ceiling”. This is all not a “coincidence”.
Regardless, we know for certain the people will never come out ahead. Having silver may help, but they could also do the same as they did in 1933 where they made it “illegal” for people to own gold and ALL of it (even gold certificates) was forced to be turned back in to the government in return for worthless paper currency. People may not believe that, but its happened before and back then they did not even have the digital sales records and etc that they do now.
So the best is to have food, fuel and other necessities first and foremost. Even then they may try to take that as well. Which is why they began several years ago with the “toilet paper” run calling people hoarders. Which that was caused by them pushing the reports in main stream media… even if people were stupid enough to worry about having paper to wipe their butt, instead of getting food to put in their mouth.
# RE: BOOM! Saudi Arabia Announces End of US Petro Dollar — 2023-01-17 19:31
If/when the dollar finally goes belly up, how would this affect credit and debts such as loans, credit card bills, etc?
Everything will crash with it since loans, credit cards, etc are paid in dollars. This kind of chaos would quickly become the impetus to shift to a digital currency, which wouldn’t be backed by anything any more than the dollar is backed by anything. Sadly ‘operation sandman’ is well on the way to being carried out by the countries that want to take America down.
Hal’s said repeatedly, “get right with God”. That means trusting in him when everything that has been built by man to oppress man comes tumbling down, the process of which I’m sure, we can all see has begun. Pick up the Bible. Then before you open it, pray for understanding, and the humility to apply what you read in your life…..YOUR life, not everyone else’s. We will all stand or fall based on the strength of that relationship. Money in all its forms will soon be irrelevant.