Self Determination Means You Can Quit Anytime You Want – Pirates Will Try Anything To Convince You Otherwise.

“It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams.

Long Post But Remember I Always Save The Best For Last.
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Here are the simple facts non of these Pirates or Monkeys policing themselves can debunk, however, they have no problems using violence to take from you, so be careful. When something is made complicated it is so because it is required to manipulate you without your consent.

The Governments PR campaign is that Government gets its just powers from the consent of the governed / people.

If that is so then the government can not have or claim powers the ordinary people don’t have.

What happens if I withdraw my Consent? They have no power, unless they are running a protection racket using the threat of violence and doing business at the barrel of a gun. (Hint: They Are)

I can’t go over to my neighbor and demand he do anything without his voluntary consent. Now if I pull a gun that changes the interaction to a non voluntary demand. Under Duress is what they call it.

What you are actually dealing with is a gang of Murders, Thieves and Liars who have no concern for human life. (Pirates Really)

Citizenship is a Reciprocal Agreement of a Duty of Allegiance for a Duty of Protection. It also has to be voluntary or it is a protection racket where someone is protecting you against your will.

Now please Fact Check this. The US Supreme Court has ruled there is NO Duty to Protect Anyone Ever, Never Was.

Income taxes are dependent on the activity. Here are thousands of testimonies and returns for hard cold Proof.

You also have the right to Travel but you were told you need a license. Not True.

The US Supreme Court has said “To Be Under The Will Of Another Is The Essence Of Slavery”

A Law is defined as the written will of the legislature, who pretend to be your representatives, just don’t ask them to do anything for you.

The Legislature is a group of Men and Women. They used to whip slaves to make them do as they were told. They discovered brainwashing you to believe you were free was so much more productive. In The Home Of The Free, What A Mind Fuck!

They use Intimidation and threats of violence to get us to submit to their edicts. Watch the films below to see how they brainwash us into policing ourselves and thinking everything they do is honorable. What A Fucking Joke.

Without A Duty of Protection There Is No State or Citizens or Illegal Aliens. It Is All Fiction except for the Violence They Produce.

They will use every trick in the book to get you to acquiesce to there demands. If you don’t stand up for yourself who is going to do it for you. Don’t Be A Sleeping Sheep Anymore!

Remember, When They Told You To Go Inject Poisons Into Your Body And Your Children To?


They will use every trick in the book to get you to acquiesce to there demands.

Don’t Allow Yourself To Be Treated Like A Mushroom, Kept In The Dark And Fed Bullshit. Take Some Pride In Yourself, These People Are Demeaning On Purpose So You Don’t Stand Up.

Here Is The Truth About Taxation In America, Find Out What Is Real.

There Is A War Going On Under You Noses And Yet You May Know Nothing About It.

Ask Yourself Why?

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The Short Truth About It All.

  1. In Reality, There Are No Countries, States, Citizens, Aliens or Any Other Made Up Imaginary Terms.
  2. In Truth, We Are All Just Living Creatures of Nature Occuping What We Call Earth.
  3. It May Not Even Be A Sphere, But We Shall Leave That for Next Time.
  4. As Far As I know We Can’t Take Anything With Us When We Depart This Realm.
  5. We Have Been Divided With Shiny Objects To Be Conqured and Ruled As Sheep.
  6. We Have Allowed It All!
  7. We Don’t Have To Allow It To Continue.
  8. The Choice Has Always Been Yours To Make. If Not Now, When!

The Solution Is Not To Be Crowardly. Be The Lion We All Have Inside.

Hell, They Tried To Vaccinate Us All Until Dead. If Not Now, When?

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