On August 24th, 2022 I was peacefully exercising our First Amendment right to record in public and publicly accessible areas at the Cohoes City Hall located in Cohoes, New York. If you would like to give compliments or would like to redress your grievances to our government about the conduct in my video, the information is below. Cohoes City Hall 97 Mohawk St, Cohoes, NY 12047 (518) 233-2119 Mon – Fri 8am to 4pm Mayor William T. Keeler (518) 233-2119 Secretary to the Mayor Kathleen LaBombard (518) 233-2129 City Clerk Lori Yando (518) 233-2140 lyando@ci.cohoes.ny.us Assessor Thomas E. Jacques (518) 233-2112 tjacques@ci.cohoes.ny.us Treasurer Jim Bouchard (518) 233-2111 jbouchard@ci.cohoes.ny.us Deputy Treasurer Annie Chard IT (supposedly) Robert Montgomery Cohoes Police Department Chief of Police Todd Waldin (518) 237-5333