The Post I Did Not Want To Write But Must Anyway.

Things Are Not Looking Good In Mudville

I have been trying to be optimistic about our future, however, Truth and Facts trump wishes so prepare yourselves for what maybe the last hurrah for a while. Prudence and Chance favors the Prepared Mind. I have been saying we have to get to the other side of this Apocalypse before we see a new world. You are not going to just walk in without being qualified by our creator. I believe the next few years is that qualification process. There may still be a Miracle that stops these atrocities but wisdom says to be prepared for the Worse and hope for the Best. The following posts are from Mike Adams and Natural News and they should be carefully read and not thrown away. You may never get a chance to see this information again which may very well save you and your family.


There are three Posts from Mike Adams included here and his Ghost World Audio Book links as well, Read Them All!


Pay Attention and be vigilant going forward this is not a Drill.

(Natural News) The anti-human globalists knew their depopulation / extermination agenda couldn’t hold out forever. That’s why they were in a mad rush to achieve maximum clot shot injections before the awakening gained traction and people began to question the insanity of the entire scheme.

Last weekend’s rally in Washington D.C. was the turning point on all this. There were similar protests in over 170 countries around the world. The masses are awakening to the plandemic scam — and the vaccine death agenda — and time has run out for the globalists and their spike protein extermination scheme.

Hence, they are now preparing to unleash the next phase of this global war against humanity: World war.

What the demonic globalists have already figured out is that if they kill enough people with nuclear war, nobody will be able to track the vaccine deaths over the next decade. The genocide via needles will be overwhelmed by genocide via radiation (and starvation, disease, etc.).

A lot of the vaccine coercion, after all, was merely designed to kill off as many member of the U.S. military as possible, while gutting America’s health care infrastructure and economic resilience. That phase has now been largely accomplished. So now the push is focused on engineering food scarcity by shutting down trucking and transportation. The ban on non-vaccinated truckers entering the U.S. from Mexico or Canada went into effect two days ago. From here forward, food supplies are going to experience a steady decline, and even oblivious leftists won’t be able to maintain their delusions for very long once the store shelves are half empty.


But as you’ll see here, food scarcity may be the least of America’s problems if the enemies of America (Biden, Obama, etc.) get their way.

Igniting the war machine in Europe

You may recall that had Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election, efforts were in place to have the US deep state nuke an American city using weapons material sourced from Russia via the Uranium One scheme (which was run by not just Hillary, but also Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. John McCain and others). Never forget that the U.S. deep state carried out 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (100% run by the FBI) and nearly every other mass death event that has taken place in the last 50 years. The FBI has black ops teams that possess nuclear material and are more than willing to nuke U.S. cities if it means furthering their anti-America agenda.

The FBI is a rogue terrorist organization, of course. Everybody sees it now.

There is an accelerating buildup of US and NATO military hardware and personnel taking place in Ukraine. Last week, the CIA mouthpiece Washington Post declared that Russia would carry out a false flag attack in Ukraine in order to justify its own invasion. This was the final proof we needed to know that America’s deep state forces may be planning on detonating a nuclear warhead in Ukraine, using the same Uranium One-sourced weapons grade material they’ve possessed since well before 2016.

There are actually multiple such nukes in the possession of the US deep state, and you may recall that Trump was threatened with multiple nukes being detonated in US cities if he didn’t back down and allow the 2020 election rigging to go through. The enemies of America were ready to pull the trigger on those nukes in December of 2020, but Trump actively shut down all efforts to correct the stolen election, thereby preventing a nuclear holocaust on US soil.

Unfortunately, as Trump has learned, you should never negotiate with terrorists. Because by failing to correct the rigged 2020 election, those same death cult lunatics (the people running Biden) are now in power, directing the entire US armed forces to carry out even more heinous crimes against humanity, involving potentially tens of millions of Europeans as well as Russians and Americans.

Now, warmongering lunatics like Alexander Vindman — remember him? — are declaring a near-certainty of a “large European war.” Of course he is. Because it’s people like him who are going to start it.

How a US false flag nuke attack in Ukraine ends up starting World War III

Although there are too many variables to know with absolute certainty how this is all going to play out, the signals are pointing in the direction of something as follows:

Step 1: America’s deep state forces detonate a nuke in Ukraine, using Russia-sourced nuclear material to give the radioisotopes a clear fingerprint of Russia origin.

Step 2: The media goes into coordinated mass hysteria, claiming Russia just started World War III. It will be 24/7 news coverage everywhere. When Russia denies responsibility, the western press will declare Putin to be a psychopathic liar more dangerous than Hitler. This will provide the emotional fanaticism to get the gullible US public to support the next steps.

Step 3: Government and media mouthpieces — all run by the same CIA that carried out the bombing of course — call for NATO to strike back at Russia with overwhelming military power. Russia is also cut off from the SWIFT financial system.

… but here’s where it all goes off the rails…

Step 4: NATO / US forces vastly underestimate the military readiness of Russia, the military technology (hypersonic missiles, hypercavitating torpedoes, etc.) and the moral resolve of Putin, who correctly sees the current rogue leadership of the USA as the true enemy against all humankind, not just Russia or Ukraine.

Step 5: NATO and the US launch escalating attacks against Russia in order to provoke a nuclear retaliatory strike on the USA. This is the goal of Obama / Biden and the globalists. Russia has multiple submarines with nuclear missiles parked off both the west and east coasts. They can rain down nuclear devastation on US military targets within minutes.

Step 6: Taking advantage of the situation, China moves on Taiwan, immediately thrusting America into a two-front war for which it is not prepared.

Step 7: Having accomplished the final wrecking of America, Obiden declares martial law and unleashes death squads to mass murder all conservatives, Christians, gun owners and Trump supporters, all under the emergency of world war, using the language of “covid internment camps.” (You didn’t think they activated all those concentration camps just for covid, did you?)

Step 8: America is invaded by a combination of Chinese and Russian land forces that were merely waiting for a sufficient die-off in order to launch their attack.

Remember, the goal of Obiden is the complete destruction of America and the installation of communism everywhere. Never forget that over half the US congress works for the CCP. We are being run by the communist Chinese right now, and they are vectoring us into a suicide pact with Russia, where Russia has no choice but to start dropping nukes on US military targets.

Ultimately, China doesn’t want all the food farmland across North America to be radioactive, because they need to be able to grow food and feed their (starving) masses. That’s why China would prefer that Russia nukes Hawaii, where the radiation cloud is far from mainland America. There are significant military and deep state assets on the Hawaiian islands, by the way, making them a juicy military target for multiple strategic reasons.

The US military will be nullified in a few short weeks

Under the leadership of libtard woke freaks and gay parade generals, the US military is but a shadow of its once great strength. In contrast, Russia trains men to be men, and their soldiers are among the most vigorously trained and prepared in the world.

Similarly, China has banned soy boy fairy feminization across its culture, and its own soldiers are also highly trained, capable and deeply obedient.

America’s military forces, sadly, have been deliberately shaped into weakness by the woketard generals, to the point where obesity is a common problem among the ranks of the active duty. The US military is far more interested in announcing an all-gay helicopter squad than in doing anything meaningful to protect America’s strategic interests.

As a result, the battle to take out the US military won’t take long at all.

Don’t forget to factor in China’s exotic drone weapon systems and Russia’s nuclear-powered hypersonic missile superweapons. In addition, Russia has extremely advanced electronic warfare capabilities that can instantly nullify all the flight controls of America’s most “advanced” fighter aircraft such as the F-35. (There’s a reason they keep falling out of the sky…)

Where the military fails, We the People will need to rise to the defense of America

All this means the defense of America comes down to the people defending their nation from foreign invaders. Once China launches its invasion of North America, the unprepared, pathetic, sedentary masses of pharmacy-addicted TV watchers will last about five minutes. The real defense of America will come down to the brave men and women who were smart enough to reject the vaccines and wise enough to stockpile guns and ammo.

The communist Chinese are going to have a very hard time taking North America. But they’ve got a couple hundred million soldiers, if needed, to throw at the problem. This means the American people are going to have to get very good at killing PLA soldiers on US soil, if we hope to survive this at all.

The one x-factor in all this is America’s “space force” space weapons systems which, I’m told, were developed from exotic technology that’s a quantum leap ahead of anything you and I have ever seen. Orbiting weapons platforms might be game changers, and if there are still any patriotic Americans remaining in Space Force or the Air Force, we may yet see these weapons unleashed against the CCP to devastating effect (possibly targeting the Three Gorges Dam).

Where do you want to be during all this? As far away as possible from any military base or large city.

You want to be off grid, resilient and fully stocked. Once this begins, there’s no going back to the relative normalcy of today. This entire situation can go from “calm” to “world war” literally overnight. With one explosion.

If past experience is any lesson, NATO and US forces will probably require another 1-3 months to build up their military forces in Ukraine before they pull the trigger on all this. So use the time wisely, and pray that Biden gets removed from power before this insanity is unleashed on our world.

Ghost World audiobook now available for download: How to survive the post-vaccine die-off and radical economic fracturing – full download of MP3 files and PDF transcript

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Image: Ghost World audiobook now available for download: How to survive the post-vaccine die-off and radical economic fracturing – full download of MP3 files and PDF transcript

(Natural News) Our latest free, downloadable audio book is called, “Ghost World: 2022 – 2032” and it is available now at

Here’s an overview of what the book delivers:

Chapter 1 – The Die-Off

Death projections, WHO will be dying and WHERE the deaths will occur. (Hint: largely in blue cities / Democrat strongholds and among certain high-vax professions such as doctors and schoolteachers.)

Chapter 2 – Political Consequences

What will happen to upcoming elections (if they even take place) after the Democrat-heavy die-off from vaccines? Blue states will lose census numbers, but Democrats are replacing their own dead voters with illegal immigrants as “replacements.”

Chapter 3 – Economic Consequences

Analysis of what happens to the stock market, gold and silver, real estate, supply chains, food supplies and more. Prepare for the most severe disruptions of your life.

Chapter 4 – Living in the Ghost World post-collapse economy

How to maintain the ability to provide value in a collapsed society – barter, trade, production, currencies and the mass decentralization of economic power. The rise of the secondhand economy and repair professions, salvage operations and more.

Chapter 5 – Cultural consequences

What will happen to the culture as the die-off accelerates? The rule of law, local self-governance, fertility and more.

Chapter 6 – Gluts and scarcity

A detailed look at what items will be in excess supply as the die-off accelerates: Used cars, homes, firearms, clothing, etc. What will be scarce? Vehicle tires, fossil fuels, electronics parts, labor resources and more.



Chapter 7 – Summary

Where this all leads as the global population collapse takes its course. The elimination of the obedient, brainwashed masses; global government and its control systems and much more.

Get the full, free, instant download at

Download all the MP3 files to your local devices or computers. This way, they cannot censor this book since you will have the “hard” files yourself. Feel free to re-post the MP3s on other platforms or channels. Help spread the word.

Here’s chapter one, rendered as a video:

What will unfold as the vaccine genocide accelerates

Trending post-vaccination death rates show that at least one-third of those who are vaccinated will die over the next decade. With multiple “booster” shots administered, as much as half the global population could be eliminated via vaccines (due to so-called “non-covid” deaths that the media will blame on a lack of medical staffing).

That’s because these “vaccines” are deliberate depopulation bioweapons, and they are being forced onto the population by globalists who believe they are saving the planet by urgently reducing the human footprint on Earth’s resources. They are convinced this will bring the planet back from the brink of ecological collapse.

Each day, 30 million more human beings are vaccinated with gene-altering, cancer-causing covid “vaccines.” (Source: That means 10 million more people are condemned to death by lethal injection each day. If this rate of mass vaccination continues through early 2023, it will mean that over half the world’s population could be dead by the end of 2032, given the increased mortality rates we are seeing in early 2022.

This mass die-off will have catastrophic consequences on human civilization. Blue cities with high vaccination rates will collapse into “Mad Max” conditions. Stock markets will collapse. Nations will fall. War will erupt. Mass starvation, famine, lawlessness and violence will become the norm in many areas. This could be the end of civilization as we know it.

In many blue cities, the homes and apartments of the dead will be auctioned off to “salvage teams” who will reclaim used appliances, clothing, firearms and will even strip the copper wire out of entire neighborhoods due to the skyrocketing value of practical metals.

But survivors will gather in rural areas of America and other nations. Red states — “free states” — will launch their own currencies, and in many areas, open commerce and the rebuilding of America will thrive.

Ghost World 2022 – 2032 reveals the blueprint of how all this is going to look and how you and your family can survive the global turmoil (and mass genocide) that has already been unleashed.

The book is free to download right now. You can download the audio MP3 files and printable PDF file for a hardcopy transcript of the entire book (perfect for the hearing impaired).

Get it now at

And check out all my free, downloadable audiobooks at

Coming up soon:

  • Battlefield America – An interview series with Steve Quayle (the website, when ready, will be
  • Resilient Prepping – How to create low-tech, off-grid preparedness and survival solutions for every area of your life (the website, when ready, will be

Thank you for your support. Stay informed and stay alive. The future of humanity needs you.


Farming insider warns upcoming food shortages will be FAR WORSE than expected

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Image: Farming insider warns upcoming food shortages will be FAR WORSE than expected

(Natural News) A farming insider recently shared that increased costs will make it impossible for many farmers to profit from planting corn this year. This is because the costs for fertilizer, liquid nitrogen and seeds are triple to quadruple the old prices.

The plan, according to the insider, would be to convert about 700 acres of corn to soybeans as the latter uses less fertilizer and allows farmers to use chicken manure for operations. However, plenty of farmers are thinking the same thing: There is already a shortage of soybean seeds, which means that there could be a major grain shortage later in the year. (Related: Farmers are reducing how much food they produce due to surging fertilizer prices.)

The insider further explained that while commodity prices are up, they won’t cover the increased input costs. Corn, for instance, typically takes about 600 pounds of fertilizer per acre, plus 50 gallons of liquid nitrogen. Multiply the amount by as many acres there are, and that takes a lot of money. Soybeans, on the other hand, take much less, which is why many farmers plan to drastically cut corn acres and switch to soybeans.

A corn shortage will come in the year, and while there are plenty of other alternatives, the corn market is much larger, as it includes animal feed and ethanol.

“What happens to the animal producers who depend on reasonably priced corn?  I just don’t see how it can end well,” the insider said. “I just see it hurting both grain farmers and animal farmers, and also translating to more shortages and price increases for consumers who buy the end products.” (Related: THE WORLD GOES HUNGRY: Fertilizer prices projected to reach near-record high in 2022.)



Fertilizer prices going through the roof worldwide

Fertilizer prices are going through the roof not only in the United States but in other parts of the world as well. In South Africa, for instance, the same increase in prices can dramatically affect coffee production.

Christina Ribeiro de Valle, who comes from a long line of coffee growers in Brazil, is now paying three times what she paid for last year in fertilizer. Paired with the recent drought that hit her coffee crops hard, it means that de Valle will be able to produce only a fraction of her coffee, some of which are exported. For coffee drinkers, this will translate to more expensive coffee prices as well.

According to her, the coffee beans won’t develop as well as they should due to the lack of fertilizer, not just this year, but likely into 2023 as well: “It’s like a child that’s malnourished,” she said.

Fertilizer demand in sub-Saharan Africa could fall 30 percent in the coming year, according to the International Fertilizer Development Center. This could translate to 30 million metric tons less food produced, which is equivalent to the food needs of around 100 million people.

Josef Schmidhuber, deputy director of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization’s trade and markets division, said: “Lower fertilizer use will inevitably weigh on food production and quality, affecting food availability, rural incomes and the livelihoods of the poor.”

Many Americans assumed that even if the rest of the world would be suffering from food shortages, the country would be immune, but this is not the case. With widespread shortages all over the nation, residents in Washington D.C. are being instructed to “just buy what you need and leave some for others.”

Further, it is not only the U.S. food supply that is under threat. Historian Victor Davis Hansen noted that the country itself is now in the process of undergoing a “systems collapse.” This term describes the sudden inability of once-prosperous populations to continue with what they deemed as “the good life.”

This happened in ancient Rome, where the population cannot buy or find once plentiful necessities, leaving streets unsafe and laws unenforced.

As the pandemic continues into its third year, more households find the need to cut down on the quantity and quality of food they consume. Around 2.4 billion people lacked access to adequate food in 2020, up 320 million from 2019. Inflation also rose in about 80 percent of emerging market economies, with a third seeing double-digit food inflation, as per the World Bank.

More related stories:

Massive U.S. food shortage coming – get a backup supply ready RIGHT NOW.

More Americans preparing for coronavirus-related food shortage by buying up seeds for “pandemic gardens.”

World’s Soils in Sharp Decline; Global Food Shortage to Follow.

Watch the video below for more information about the global food shortage:

This video is from the ProScienceTruth channel on

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