Max Igan: Tartaria, Mud Floods, Orphan Trains and Foundlings. Mud Flood Great Reset – Great Tartaria – The World We Lost. Tartaria Documentary – 3000 Pictures of Our Lost History. 8 Hour Masterpiece

Max Igan: Tartaria, Mud Floods, Orphan Trains and Foundlings

Mud Flood Great Reset – Great Tartaria – The World We Lost 

Tartaria Documentary – 3000 Pictures of Our Lost History. 8 Hour Masterpiece

Max Igan: Tartaria, Mud Floods, Orphan Trains, Foundlings, and More. Surviving the Matrix  Classic

Was there a great reset as little as 200 years ago that has been wiped from the history books?

What is Vision Launch Media?
Vision Launch Media is your gateway into the world of alternative media. We are a curated discovery platform for free-speech and independent thought.

We use alternative sourced information to increase public awareness of crucial issues. Our goal is to help neutralize the corporate media’s dominance over our culture & our nation’s collective consciousness.

At Vision Launch Media, we do not claim to know the “truth” or have all the answers. We simply make suppressed information more readily available so people can do their own research on the entire body of evidence and come to their own conclusions.

We have three websites that promote – and are linked to hundreds of other alternative media sites, most of which are being suppressed in one form or another.

Source: Max Igan Surviving the Matrix  Classic

Max Igan: Great Tartaria – The World We Lost

This is a mirrored Video. I wanted to mirror it because it contains beautiful imagery showing very well, the world we once had, not so very long ago. Please forgive any spelling mistakes. English is not the first language of the original video creator. Links to the original video, and to the creator channel can be found below.

Orphan Trains (Populating Empty Cities)

After the Mud Flood Reset of the 1840, Orphans Appeared Everywhere.

Families Adopted Dozens of Children.

In this little video we will examine topics such as anomalous weather, restructuring brick buildings, answering Matt’s question, orphan trains, Salt Lake City Historical Registry, and finally some random odds and ends. I do hope you enjoy ;) God bless and I love you all!!!
Source: JonLevi

Age of Disclosure – The End Of Tartaria – Star Fort’s, Free Energy, Hidden History

Don’t miss this one, excellent work and great info here – An explanation for how the great Tartarian Empire was destroyed.
Video : Arjan Heartman – Written by : Marcia Ramalho

Tartaria Documentary – 3000 Pictures of Our Lost History. 8 Hour Masterpiece


History Revised is a series about looking at what we have been told differently.

TARTARIA_ The Great Mud Flood (Full Documentary)

Max Igan – Tartaria, The Mud Flood, Alternative History And Whats Going On With The Cabal

The mystery of the “Repopulation Postcards”…whats with all the babies? Where are the parents?

Growing babies? What could cause the need for this? A reset of some kind? Was a civilization lost or destroyed?

From Mith:
There’s so much more to this thinly buried truth than could possibly be included in one video. This is from Truth Unveiled. I think he touched on this subject (and explains it to those who have yet to learn about this and correlating matters) quite well. He has a similar style to mine in some respects, and I think he’s on track with his observations and analysis. Enjoy.

Did something of some being start humanity over again. How? Why? When?
Source: MithChronicler. You need to check out his channel. He knocks it out of the park.

THE ORPHAN TRAINS: Replenishing America’s Workforce. New York City. Seneca Village.

# HiddenHistory #Tartaria #ODDFELLOWS #Masons #freemen

Today is a big moment. I’d like to take a definitive look at the concept of orphan trains, inherited and empty cities, loss of labor, indentured servitude, as well as more concrete subjects such as Seneca Village, Central Park, The Croton Aqueduct and Reservoir of New York, as well as the key players, two best friends from Yale, Frederick Law Olmsted and Charles Loring Brace. Essentially, many of us wonder what exactly warranted the Orphan Trains.

We ask, how did over 250,000 make their way to various cities around America? Today I’d like to link some ties between the subjects of historical illness, the first census for which included the label “insane”, and how that label was used by the American government to construct (some say inherit) massive Asylums.

In the North, in the 1850’s, we see a disproportionate number of people being placed in asylums, and we see a growing orphan population, particularly in New York. With slavery abolished, we see a growing need for new workers. The two men from Yale attempted to solve these issues while reshaping the heart of American culture and pride. Some would say this was not a benevolent venture. Let’s discuss.

The Tartarian Meltdown Documentary: Number One

The Most Extreme Tartaria Theory I Have Heard Yet

Welcome to The Melted Building University. If you’re new to this research, please watch my documentary and my previous videos before asking stupid questions in the chat.
Here’s the link:

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