In Case You Believe You Need A Protection Racket Ponder This – Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution & Crime. – Aristotle 400 BC

Poverty is created by man, so therefore man has the ability to resolve the issues leading to poverty if we so desire.

I have heard from so many lately that those who commit crime do so because it is in the nature of man, so they require a gang to protect them from their fellow man. This is double minded thinking, because unless you are an alien from another planet, you are afflicted with this same issue if you believe it is in mans nature to kill.

I have long been of the mindset that it is unnatural unless you are mentally deranged to harm another. Those who enslave you want you to blame those that have been denied basic necessities, they want you to think of those people as lazy and good for nothing trouble makers. If you are someone from this camp, I am so sorry you have been jaded and conditioned.

Most times we can NOT see our own demons because if we could they wouldn’t be there to begin with. I have been saying from the time I was a little boy that people only fight because of two reasons, Ignorance and Necessity. Also, it is much easier to blame others then look in the mirror.

Q. When have you ever seen someone full of Joy and Love for life hurt anyone?
A. Never unless Accidental or in Self Defense.

Why can’t we at least have enough care for our bothers and sisters to make sure they are full of Joy and a Deep Profound Love for Life? Because the entire system has been rigged for thousands of years to the point where humans have completely lost their humanity. The system fosters a winner take all and the loser is dead mentality by enslaving the masses and making them jealous and fearful so they can survive.

I have heard the most callus things from people who understand there is something majorly wrong the system yet think they are not affected by it and it is a problem of human nature so they need these slave systems in place to manage those other people. This is short sighted thinking because this type of thinking is the problem. Albert Einstein said: “You cant correct a problem with the same level of though that created it and that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is insanity.”

I for one am not coming back around in another lifetime to fix this yet again. We fix this Once and For All Now so the next 3D trip we can enjoy ourselves as we are supposed to. BTW you cant take anything other then lessons learned from here.

If you hold the viewpoint that you are better then your fellow man and it is all their fault because they, the alleged criminals are Lazy, Irresponsible, Ignorant, Dumb, etc. Then you may be have a superiority complex and that means you are a Narcissist and need to check in to your local shrinks office for reprogramming… You can also go to your local food kitchen for the homeless and volunteer, that is called creating the world you want actively.

Wake Up Please

This Is Good Advice & You Would Do Well To Heed It.

Don’t Judge Anyone, Until You Have Walked In Their Shoes.

The Modus Operandi Of Control Has Always Been Divide & Conquer By Any Means Necessary.

Whats Love Got To Do With It? Lets Find Out, Shall We.

This Is How Humanity Overcomes Evil, This Is How To Begin To Love Again.

Derrick Johnson Seems To Be Getting A Lot Of This, When He Is Just Trying To Explain Truth.

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