A Shortcut To Fighting Back In Courtrooms Where White Is Black And Black Is White

Adventures In Legal Land by Marc Stevens Is A Shortcut In Exposing Bull Shit.

This recording was from a workshop my friends and I put on back in 2003 to assist people in seeing though the lies and obfuscations of our Court Rooms. These audio clips have been listened too over and over and have produced a certian confidence when having to go into an Americian Court Room. These allow you to fully understand what is going on and stop it in its tracks. ENJOY!

Adventures In Legal Land Seminar 2003 Part 1

by Marc Stevens | EFTrans Seminar 2003

Adventures In Legal Land Seminar 2003 Part 2

by Marc Stevens | EFTrans Seminar 2003

Adventures In Legal Land Seminar 2003 Part 3

by Marc Stevens | EFTrans Seminar 2003

Adventures In Legal Land Seminar 2003 Part 4

by Marc Stevens | EFTrans Seminar 2003

Another Criminal Traffic Dismissal – Prosecution Withdraws Complaint

Congrats to William for defending himself and getting a criminal complaint kicked out.  Instead of providing the evidence to support their claims, the prosecution dropped the charges. If they had evidence proving their claims of jurisdiction and the laws were violated, then they would have provided the evidence.

William filed the motion to dismiss: the basic argument is the prosecution has failed to meet even a prima facie burden of proof on personal and subject matter jurisdiction.  Not being able to provide any evidence proving their claim the laws apply, the prosecution withdrew.

You can find more of Marc Stevens by going to

To Get Passed The Judges First Response.

Judge: How Do You Plead?

You: I Need To Have A Few Question Answered Before I can Plead because I Do Not Understand The Nature And Cause Of the Charges and I am Not an Attorney and Do Not Understand Legal Opinions Just Facts In Evidence.

Judge: What Are You Confused About and I Can Not Provide Legal Advice. We can provide you with a public defender to explain the proceedings.

You: Who Has The Burden Of Proof?

Judge: The Prosecutor Has The Burden Of Proof.

You: Mr/Mrs Prosecutor “Is There Proof in Evidence of a Complaining Party”?

When they can not produce proof of a complaint-ant Request a Dismissal on the grounds that there is no issue of controversy before the court without a complainant.

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