Madmen With Nothing Left To Loose Do Not Surrender Or Go Quietly



We All Need To Prey That The Cokehead Pedo Piece Of Filth Zelensky Doesn’t Have Any Weapons Of Mass Destruction.

One Coke-head Pedo Piece Of Filth Zelensky To Another Nancy Pelosi, Do You Have Any Weapons Of Mass Destruction?

KIEV, May 1. President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky met with Speaker of the House of Representatives of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi, who arrived in Kiev with a visit.

“Meeting with Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi in Kiev. The United States is the leader in strong support for Ukraine,” Zelensky wrote on his Telegram channel on Sunday.

He also posted a video of politicians greeting each other and taking a photo together. Zelensky thanked Pelosi for support.

Let Me Know If Any Of This Strikes You As Strange. This News Piece Is Basically Saying The Speaker Of The House, A Frail Old Crazy Woman Who Has Her Own Security Detachment, Just Went To An Active War Zone For A Photo Op. If Anyone Believes This Let Me Know. I Guess Putin Stopped Dropping Bombs While Nancy Talked With Asshole.

By the author of The Faithful Prepper and The Prepper’s Guide to Post-Disaster Communications.

Russia is now openly discussing nuclear war in Europe. Yes, you read that right. If you’ll remember, it was only a week and a half ago that The Organic Prepper covered the work of Olga Skabeyeva, one of the chief faces in Russian media and host of the popular show news talk show Russia 1.

It was then that Russia 1 TV was saying that World War 3 has begun and that it is a fight between Russia and NATO/America.

Now, things have escalated.

Russia 1 is now openly discussing the possibility of nuclear war. You can see the video at this link HERE.

In the video, Olga is interviewing State Duma deputy Alexei Zhuravlev and State Duma deputy Yevgeny Popov.

The translation of the interview is below.

Alexei Zhuravlev – “One Sarmat (missile) and that’s it – the British Isles are no more.”

Olga Skabeyeva – “But we are serious people.”

Zhuravlev – “And I am saying that seriously. They’re accusing us of state terrorism.”

Yevgeny Popov – “The UK also has nuclear weapons. No one will survive in this war. When you propose the strike with a Sarmat, do you understand that no one will survive? No one on the planet.”

Zhuravlev – “We’ll start with a blank slate.”

Olga – “Never say never.”

Zhuravlev – “Since we’re talking about these weapons, the question is can they shoot it down? This missile can’t be intercepted. Their abilities are limited. They say they can shoot it down – we’ll see about that.”

Olga – “Sarmats are not in Kaliningrad yet. From Kaliningrad to Berlin is 106 seconds. From Kaliningrad to Paris is 200 seconds. You’re interested in London – 202 seconds to London.”

Zhuravlev – “They need to be shown this picture. [Image is shown of timeline for a Sarmat missile to strike each of the European cities mentioned.] Guys, look at this picture. Count the seconds. Can you make it? [Mimics frantic movement.] Hello, it’s already here. That’s the way. Let them think about it. Get a stopwatch. Count 200 seconds. That’s how you talk to them. They don’t understand anything else.

What is a Sarmat missile?

Russia’s newest ICBM is an updated version of the Satan missile. While officially designated the RS-28, the Sarmat is commonly referred to as the Satan II. This silo-based ICBM was successfully tested by Russia just this past week, and 50 of these are allegedly under construction so far.

They have the capability to strike anywhere on the planet from their launching point and can use a number of different trajectories to do so. This is currently the heaviest ICBM in the world, having the capacity to carry up to 10 MIRVs (Multiple Independently Targetable Reentry Vehicles) – essentially “miniature” nukes that launch out of the ICBM proper.

Each of these MIRVs can be loaded with a 750-kiloton nuclear warhead, and the Satan II carries a number of countermeasures that enable it to evade/destroy enemy air defenses. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, it is possible for a Satan II “to reliably breach any existing and future anti-ballistic missile defenses.”

In contrast, Satan II launching sites are equipped with Mozyr protection systems – a missile defense system/glorified shotgun that fires groupings of metal balls up to 3.7 miles into the sky to destroy incoming threats. All Satan II silos are capable of surviving a nuclear strike perchance the Mozyr system fails.

Fox News:

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned of a third world war if peace talks with Russia fail during a television interview that aired Sunday.

Zelenskyy said that “any format” should be used in order to have a possibility of negotiating with Russia, in particular Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“I think that we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating, possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, that would mean that this is a third World War,” Zelenskyy said.

“If there is just 1 percent chance for us to stop this war, I think that we need to take this chance, we need to do that,” he added.

The president of Ukraine also said that without negotiations, he does not believe the war will end.

“I am ready for negotiations with him. I was ready over the last two years, and I think that without negotiations, we cannot end this war,” Zelenskyy said during the interview with CNN.

In terms of negotiations, Zelenskyy said that he would not give up territorial integrity and Ukraine’s sovereignty.

So then what is the point of negotiations at all?

“There are compromises for which we cannot be ready as an independent state. Any compromises related to our territorial integrity and our sovereignty and the Ukrainian people have spoken about it — they have not greeted Russian soldiers with a bunch of flowers, they have greeted them with bravery, they have greeted them with weapons in their hands,” he said.

In fact, they’ve “greeted Russian soldiers” by locking Ukrainians in cities as human shields, slaughtered their own civilians, and taped a bunch of random “traitors” to poles.

The analogy would be if there was a home invasion, and the father of the house told his kids to go shoot squirt guns at the home invaders, and if the kids tried to flee, he shot them himself.

Or, conversely, if there was an active shooter at a school, and the teachers started shooting kids trying to flee the school.

Watch this video of Azov with their Ukrainian human shields locked in a house:

Who is the “brave” one in that situation? The soldiers who kidnapped helpless, unarmed civilians? Or the civilians obeying orders and cowering on the ground while Azov points guns at them, and mocks them with the piano?

Zelenskyy also said that there would be no war if Ukraine were a NATO member, and repeated his call for the country to be accepted into the organization.

“I’d like to receive security guarantees for my country, for my people. If NATO members are ready to see us in the alliance, then do it immediately. Because people are dying on a daily basis,” Zelenskyy said.

The Ukraine cannot join NATO while in the middle of an armed conflict.

Again, it is just utterly unbelievable that the Western media is willing to report these kinds of statements uncritically.

I think at this point, we’ve gone beyond the coronavirus in terms of the size and scope and the ridiculousness of the lies being told by the media/government.

As far as negotiations – what is the point of negotiations if he’s saying he:

Will not relinquish territory, and
Wants to join NATO?

Those are effectively the only terms Russia has offered. Putin invaded the country because Ukraine was moving to join NATO, and was not honoring the Minsk Accords and continued to slaughter people in the Donbass.

So why are we even talking about negotiating?

The US is Sending 121 Of These Sucide Drones To The Ukraine Pedo Cokehead So They Can Get Putin To Start A Nuclear War.

The US is in Love with The Ukraine Pedo Coke-head. This M-FER Is Using His Own Civilians As Human Shields.

Is Zelensky corrupt? He amassed an $850 million personal fortune in the years before the war with Russia

(Natural News) The West has decided that the narrative for the war in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion is “Kyiv Good, Moscow Bad,” regardless of what the real situation is and why President Vladimir Putin launched an attack in the first place.

Putin has said he wants to rid his western neighbor of Nazis, and we know that Nazis exist in Ukraine because an entire military unit – the Azov Battalion – is rife with neo-Nazis. He also has said that Ukraine moving more toward NATO and the West is a national security issue for him and Russia – just like it would be for the U.S. if Mexico was attempting to move into a Russian or Chinese-led security alliance. And he spent the better part of the 2000s attempting to move closer to the West and its institutions, only to be rebuffed and see former Soviet satellite nations move into NATO.

Putin isn’t “crazy” and he’s not a “madman” – he has legitimate concerns about the safety and security of his country.

By the same token, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is no saint, either. Before the war, his country was seen as one of the most corrupt in Europe – and after all, let’s not forget that a major Ukrainian energy company paid Hunter Biden, a lawyer with no energy company experience, millions of dollars to sit on its board of directors (so that they could cozy up to Joe Biden, the then vice president who just conveniently became president a few short years later).

And now, others in Europe are asking legitimate questions as to how this former comedic actor could amass a fortune of some $850 million in such a short period of time.

The site Europe Reloaded noted: “Last year, a Pandora Papers leak revealed that Zelensky, who campaigned on promises to ‘break the system’ of oligarchic control and corruption in Ukraine (ER: to our knowledge, the very opposite has happened), set up a spider web of offshore companies in 2012. Zelensky’s office justified the move by saying they were a form of ‘protection’ against former President Viktor Yanukovych.

“Zelensky has a fortune: various estimates put his wealth at around $850 million. He amassed most of it after taking office as president. Where does the money come from? And more importantly, where is it going?” the Forum For Democracy, a Dutch organization, asked on Twitter.

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