The Revolution Will Not Be Televised



This is a compilation video of the best photos and videos of the worldwide protests this weekend. Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Austria, Italy, France, Croatia, Switzerland, South Africa, England, Scotland, Lithuania, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, India, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Hungary, Portugal, Georgia, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Panama, Peru, Germany, Belgium, Canada, USA and other countries protested this weekend. This was one of the biggest protest in history and it was completely ignored by the mainstream media. We are the media now. Please share and upload this video everywhere.

Message from Australia


This is absolutely terrifying and disgusting. This is war people, please wake up and stand up for our freedom!!!!!! We outnumber them if we stand united. We need each and every one of you to join us in overthrowing our corrupt government. What side of history do you want to be on? 😢💛✌️

‘I have some pretty horrific news. A friend of a friend who is on leave from the Army said they are bit broken. They was part of a large deployment up far Nth to surround an Aboriginal community. They said multiple units were ordered to surround an Aboriginal village to stop any escaping. They said a lot of colleagues, were disgusted as they had to watch the Indigenous being forced down and held and jabbed by the medical military. A lot of them were disgusted at the orders given to them. I asked why didn’t you stand down. Military are suppose to protect the people not harm them against their will. This is treason. So fkn angry. This person is suffering PTSD. On leave from it. They have been warned that if the disobey, ramifications will be implemented. Some military are breaking down. I was so absolutely angry. I asked why are you disclosing this. They said because they are going to start with indigenous first and it will be covered up and silenced . I said that they and those commanders and cu@nts above them are committing treason. At first I thought they was taking the piss out of me. But they weren’t. They confided because it is messing with some of their heads. Some are on leave as they rotate for stress. Absolutely fkn disgusted. Treason . They can get themselves in a lot of trouble now for telling me this. I am sick to the stomach. If they are doing this to Indigenous by force what the fk are they going to do with suburbians. I am very deeply disturbed and stressed out.”

Australia Is Killing The Indigenous Peoples First

An amazing day Sydney. I was so proud to be there and excited to see the numbers swell into the biggest united stand against tyranny by all wonderful Aussies.. Lets make it a million plus on saturday the 27th November – please also be aware that the powers to be are genociding our original sovereign trible people – this is an SOS call for all Australians to help them they are in dire circumstances with food and other essentials being denied some communities and the roll out of forced vaks by the Australian Army – a large deployment up far Nth to surround an aboriginal community.this is URGENT!!! see info on my blog

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