What is Coming Next? With Celeste Solum – Dystopian Future! If We Are Being Played By Trump.



Tools and Techniques in Deterrence Operations

“… the very spark that marks us as a species … our tool-making, our ability to bend [nature] to our will … also give us the capacity for unmatched destruction.”—Barack Obama

Hell was secretly voted on by the UN during the Solar Eclipse on April 8th.  The official UN Declaration seizing the planet was made on the Fall Equinox, September 22nd.  

For my subscriber’s, some free content, as well as guest interviews I began my methodical and exclusive coverage series of 2024. My coverage spanned a large variety of topics in my keynote presentations on:

  • Pandemic Timeline
  • Lair of the Dragon
  • Color of Evil
  • The UN Obliterates All Boundaries

What Will Happen Next?

I am sure that it is foremost on your mind so that you can prepare your family, loved ones, friends, and home.

It is going by the Bible, foretold by prophets, Jesus, and scribes thousands of years ago.

As of September 22nd, we have a counterfeit global narrative that is Luciferian.

Yoked aircraft, ordnance, and other weapons to facilitate delivery in kinetic engagements

Significant Chemical and Biological releases to leverage BioPower in the non-kinetic and kinetic domains.

Non-kinetic warfare includes things such as:

  • Information manipulating & Influence Operations
  • Key leader influencers to persuade or a change in behavior.
  • Lawfare: Using legal mechanisms to constrain or disrupt your opposition to illegal and evil operations.
  • Criminal legal action: Pursuing criminal charges against individuals or organizations to disrupt UN activities.
  • Security detention
  • Asset freezes

This is a partial list.  My subscribers receive the full list of planned operations against regular people in the US and around the world.

Kinetic warfare will include:

  • Physical engagements
  • All manner of weaponry including hard and soft weaponry.
  • Lethal force against you

Any person considered a *burden, *risk, or *threats will be defined, identified, and targeted for elimination.  This is all-inclusive whether you are a current threat or potentially a future threat.

Disruptive effects incurred by deterrent intervention will last anywhere from 2 months to 10 years in duration until everyone complies or is depopulated.

There will be new demonic manifestations as a consequence of new portals and the UN Declaration.  This will include the construct embodiment and revelation of the Anti-Christ.

The coming operations will induce the following:

Fear Factor to induce you to give up your personal and country sovereignty.  The fear of a recognized or unknown chemical/biological threat can significantly influence decision-making processes—and resultant political, economic, and military postures.

Ambiguity and uncertainty-There will be a plethora of misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation.  Due to the UN Pact for the Future you and be charged and or executed for spreading any of these.

Malinformation refers to factual information that is shared with malicious intent, such as to harm a person’s reputation or to create chaos. It is distinct from misinformation, which is false or inaccurate information, and disinformation, which is intentionally false or misleading information spread to deceive or manipulate.

There will be a plethora of low cost high impact operations that will impact the economy.

There will be a Triple Helix at play in many operations and dimensions.

Radical levelling will be employed for deterrence initiatives.  This means every facet of our life will be demolished with the Great Reset and all globalists plans operational.

TPTB intend to “change minds and hearts” by altering your will and capacity to fight .  They want you to bend the knee to the collective cognitive, emotional, and behavioral domain “masters.

Be prepared.  Be safe under the shadow of His Wings.  Do not fear for they feed on fear.

God bless each of you and those you love,


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