How to Fly your Vimana by Cliff High – Should Be Titled Origins of Everything

How to Fly your Vimana


What if it were not just the Jews?

What if it were not just the Jews? And by extension, the Christians? What if we have the same situation happening elsewhere in humanity? Likely all due to humans being really mentally dense during the Kali Yuga, the 2400 (combined, descending plus ascending) years that we have just left (in 1700 CE).

What if the Jews, the Ashkenazi, are not the only ones to interpret things with a distinct, self-serving, bent toward religion during the Kali Yuga?

The premise is referentially self supporting that the Khazarians, the larger ethno-political group housing the Ashkenazi, a central European people, had no genetic ties to the Judeans of the Torah. The Torah is a manual, written by unknown scribes, that instructs humans how to serve, and interact with, their Space Alien conquerors, the Elohim. This manual instructs humans in the 613 commandments on how to live, including the preparation of human baby fats for rendering into acceptable forms for consumption by the Elohim (Space Aliens); further, this manual, the Torah, provides the formula for the ‘christening’ of humans with exact measures in liters of the specific oils from spices (all with antimicrobial, antibacterial properties). No human could be brought before the Elohim (Space Aliens) without this process of intense cleansing of their body, internally and externally, then the ‘anointing’ with quantities of aromatic, antiseptic oils. At that point, the human visitor to the Elohim had become a ‘christ’, and was acceptable to be allowed into their presence. (The Naked Bible Mauro Biglino)

The Khazarian rulers took the manual of how to interact with the Elohim, the Torah, along with the rituals, and practices of the Canaanites who were also afflicted with Space Alien conquerors, and created the religion of Judaism. From that, other Khazarian rulers created deliberately bad translations to create the ‘christian’ mythos.

As to the ‘why’ of all of this, it is my contention that it was due to the conditions of the low level of radiations from Galactic Center during the Kali Yuga segment of our solar systems’ travels human minds apply a ‘religious’ filter to interpretation of reality. But without regard to the ‘why’ of it all, we have the manifestation of it all.

There is no word that translates to ‘god’ in the Torah. Or by extension, the source material for the Old Testament of the Bible. The words that have been so translated in modern times are actually the name of the species of conquering space aliens as they applied to themselves. It is not a hebrew word. It is a label, not a descriptor, nor a name. The source words that are translated as ‘All Mighty God’ from the Torah, actually are the name “El-Yon”. The application of the descriptor “All Mighty” (or sometimes translated as “Most High”), come from El-Yon’s position within the Elohim as the boss, the leader. El-Yon was the “all mighty(est)” of the Elohim.

We also note that the Elohim were the dominant group of the Space Alien Conquerors over much of the Mid East, from the Red Sea north through into Mesopotamia, in an area that extended from Greece across northern India over to modern day Iran.

The Elohim empire, at one point, was centered in a very large city that the boss, El-Yon, caused to be created. It was the City of El-Yon, named in Canaanite, Bab -El-Yon (City of El-Yon), that we call Babylon. It was here that the Elohim had their controlling structures placed, including their main airports, and the generation devices for their elecro-radiative bubble (a force field intended to control radiation levels) called a GANZ in the proto-hebrew of those days.

But what if it were not only the Khazarians making religions out of ‘source material’ that originated with the Space Alien Conquerors? If such a general condition, that is the Kali Yuga levels of Galactic Center Emanations being a such a low level that the human mind naturally favored a religion interpretation on all of reality, it would be expected that other humans would also be doing this.

Can we find other examples? What would they look like? Are there patterns, clues, that we can use in our search? Yes, turns out there are patterns that can be teased out of human history that can point us at this same behavior.

The anonymity of the authors of this material is important to its interpretation, and its creation. This is also a referentially important marker for these writings. Remember, none of the books in the Bible, or its Torah source, are attributed to any author. So Job did not write the Book of Job. That sort of thing. We have no idea who wrote any of the books in the Torah/Old Testament, unlike, as an instance, the Talmud. It was not important to the Space Alien Conquerors that the human scribes, their slaves, be known for their work of recording their master’s pronouncements. This is not really the way that humans operate organically. We like the attention from other humans of being able to say, “I wrote that”…BUT our Space Alien masters did not see us as individuals so much as disposable parts of their environment. So no attribution was even a consideration.

Other clues include the actual language of the book. Is it filled with repetitions of ‘lord’, ‘lords’, ‘god’, ‘gods’, or even ‘El’, ‘Elohim’? Does it have repeated differentiations between categories of ‘gods’, such as ‘most high’, ‘arch-angel’, ‘satan’? Does it contain linguistic pointers to such as ‘baal’? Is human sacrifice discussed? Are there extensive discussion of rituals? Especially rituals involving the ‘cleansing’ or the ‘anointing’ of the human body? Does it have material about the ‘forbidden’ foods, and other substances? What about how to prepare the body after death, including ritual removal of certain organs, most notably in the abdomen?

All of these are clues pointing to the patterns of misinterpretation of Space Alien source material as being religious guidelines. These clues are derived from the real world example of the Talmud and Torah. We suspect that other materials, also misinterpreted as religious source, exist in human history. Do they?

As we suspect, it seems they do. When we search (without AI for the moment as it is wokonian & that will be misleading), we can locate several instances of JUST this pattern appearing. In fact, we find it right off in a book that is the most copied and translated book in human history with far more translations than the Bible.

We find this pattern to also be replicated in other cultures with a similar situation in which one book (Book A) is acting as a base for religion, while a another book (Book B) from the same culture is a key to the correct reading of Book A, but is ignored as Book A is definitively defined to the culture as a book about religion can it can be nothing else. Very similar situation as the Torah being held as a religious text, rather than a book of rules from the Elohim (the Space Aliens Conquerors). We find that this pattern is repeated in various levels of complexity across several cultures and languages.

The smart man, looking for material misinterpreted as a religion will start where religions are so dense that you can’t walk a block without tripping over one, that is, India. And as we are after old misinterpretations of material, we went to Sanskrit.

We are smart men. It was easy to find the first, then many examples of potential Space Alien materials being misinterpreted. Sanskrit is replete with such. They are spilling out all over. Same with Tamil. A lot of material exists to be examined in this new light.

Choosing a very prominent example, and applying the filter to it that it was totally wrongly translated, and some of the context of the material would be altered by this mistranslation, it can be instantly seen, that is the very first line of this first chosen target among many, that this is NOT a religious instruction, but rather is part of a manual on how to Fly your Vimana.

It actually is a ‘how to connect (your mind) to Space Alien devices’ manual. It is not flying specific, and does not deal with the aerodynamics, nor flight capability of the Vimana, so much as it delves into instructing humans how to work the Mind-2-Machine interface that is used to, not only, fly the Vimana, but also to control all the Space Alien Conquerors base technology. As an instance, the technology includes what we would label as ‘air traffic control’ which was automated, but was programmed by directed thought control. It was one of these devices that is at the center of the badly misinterpretation of the Tower of Babel (Bab El-Yon’s control center) story. The reality may have been much more akin to a global slave revolt on the part of Humanity. This was just preceding the time when the Elohim finally left Earth.

The first example that I examined was chosen for specifics of its presence in history, and that it met my search criteria. As noted, its first line, when translated without a religious focus, is clearly part of an instruction manual. As much of the Sanskrit source is fragmentary, as with the Torah/Old Testament, it can be presumed that this alone indicates that we have a limited understanding of a remnant of a larger work. If read in that light, and with exact, non religious, translation of the words involved, we get the line that says, “these instructions, are about controlling the activation of the Vortex”. The rest of this book continues with explicit instructions on how to ‘meld the mind (to the) Vortex (of power/control)’ .

We have the original language, and it is easily seen that the religious interpretation is wrong. Very much like learning the “El” is not a Hebrew word, thus is not the Hebrew word for ‘god’, thus the Torah, and Old Testament, as is commonly understood now, are mistranslations that are misleading as to both context and content of the book. In my first Sanskrit target search, the wording is very parallel to the situation of the word ‘god’ being put where the actual word is ‘El’. Here we have various translations of the word as being ‘disturbances’, ‘anxiety’, ‘stress’, ‘tension’, and more, when the original is rightly translated as ‘vortex’, or alternatively ‘whirlpool’. This latter is how the humans characterized the experience of the ‘bonding’ with the Mind2Machine interface, that is, likening it to ‘plunging into a whirlpool’. Other impressions applied to this experience in this, and other, similar volumes, include language about ‘maelstrom’, and about violent reactions (and how to avoid them) within the mind when connected to the interface. When you first encounter this material, you will not have a clue. Much of this material is, as with the Bible, now a major influence on our civilization’s development.

This language is now badly translated and interpreted to point to avoiding ‘demons’, and ‘spirits’. These and other words have been applied when the source Sanskrit is discussing how to do directed thought into the interface without damaging either the work at hand, or yourself. It is from these types of descriptions at a technical level, badly translated, and misinterpreted, that the modern descriptions of ‘hell’ arise.

It turns out that the ‘directing thought’ part of the procedure is actually quite simple, and, as with all kinds of simple things, doing it wrong was quite deadly. These volumes also expose that training is absolutely required for everyone even attempting to use the Mind2Machine interface, and that there are many ethnic groups that are incapable of merging with the Space Alien control mechanism. Thus the whole ‘GMO human’ effort on the part of the Elohim, and other sub groups of the Space Alien Conquerors.

The smart technically minded person, given a new work assignment that involves operating a new piece of equipment, will examine the operations manual for the warnings. If there are a predominance of warnings to operations instructions, it is easy to judge the risks involved.

In our operations manual, newly discovered disguised as a religious practices text, we find that just over 75% of the presentation is warnings. Hmmm….pretty risky stuff.

The connection of the body to the Mind2Machine interface is so simple that only 5 instructions are involved, at the physical body level, resolving to a ‘sit down, put hand in slot’ description. The rest of the manual is all about how to NOT get yourself, or the work into the ‘danger zone’.

We can leave this here, for now, as this is just the beginning of what likely will be a whole lot of work for a number of years that will yield a diverse range of new information. Also, as most of us do not have any Mind2Machine interface devices, there is little point in going into the details already discovered about the command and control (programming) language involved in these machines.

Hope exists that the currently unfolding Apocalypse (Great Revealing) will produce a factual Disclosure trend about UFOs/Space Alien interference with humanity that may actually lead to such Mind2Machine interfaces in just a few years time. Thus the work in finding the hidden Space Alien manuals in humanity’s own historic literature is a potentially very valuable effort. Plus it’s kind of fun.

More later.

PS: imagine what could be done with a fully loaded, non-wokonian, AI that is current to the moment.

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