Logical Conclusions For An Out Of Control Situation From An Engineers Perspective

I Will Start With A Question Of Dire Consequence, Which Should Give Us Answers As To What Is Next For This Dumpster Fire.

Some of the conclusions I come to may not be yours and I want you dear reader to consider for a moment the Breadth and Depth of your current knowledge base which gives us different perspectives and perceptions. 


What happens when the masses figure out that their Federal, State and Local Governments in Collusion with one another attempted to Democide the whole lot of us?

Democide in British English


the killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect

A Few Things To Consider Before Passing Judgement.

Elon Musk provided the Facts requied for Evidence that prove, Collusion, Malice and Intent for a RICO conviction. However, since the courts are all comprimized and have a Conflict of Interest this will be decided by the peoples court of public opinnion.

What is the differnce between shooting someone with a posioned needle or a bullet? None, You Just As Dead!

Each day that you wake up, never forget that your own government plotted to murder you with a theatrical “plandemic” that was engineered as a fear PSYOP to convince you to line up and take an experimental mRNA injection that programmed your body’s cells to manufacture spike protein bioweapons with the intended purpose of ending your life.

If you ever trust a single thing that your government says, does or demands, you are suffering either from Stockholm Syndrome or severe brain damage, and if you continue to follow your government’s advice on health and medicine, you will likely soon find yourself dead.

Depopulation is their goal, and vaccines are their weapons. Pandemics are the fear engine, and censorship is how they prevent people from coming to their senses and seeing right through the whole charade.


ATTEMPTED MURDER AND ACTUAL MURDER in the 1st Degree (Premeditated)

Conclusion: A Government Can Not Survive Attempting To Murder Its Citizens If They Discover The Truth.

Choas Rules The Day, Get Ready.

Planned, Premeditated Murder

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