They Are Cooking Us With Microwaves – Pay Attention, Please!
When Do People Learn, If No One Shows Up To Allegedly Fight A War, It Can’t Happen. “Ukraine has NO men left and now they’re recruiting women to fight”
If anyone is handed a gun or other weapon and told to use it against another country or human being. If the Gun was turned on the person making these orders and just went off by accident and shot the person throwing orders in the head. War would end because no one...
My Interview With DeAnna Lorraine On Stew Peters Network – Quantum Dots self-Assemble, Change Colors in Vaxed AND Un-Vaxed Blood!? Dr Mihalcea bombshells!
Reports Directly From The Killing Fields, For Those Still Rationalizing Away Instead Of Standing Up.
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90% diseases gone! | Eat 1 Spoon in Water for 8 days| SADHGURU
1 Shot a Day…Clear Clogged Arteries Away (Prevent Heart Attack & Stroke) Dr. Mandell
Clogged arteries result from the build-up of a substance called plaque in the arterial walls. It is also medically referred to as arterial plaque. This plaque can reduce blood flow or even block it altogether. Clogged arteries increase your risk of developing...
Burger King’s Whopper Scandal Could Change Fast Food Forever
Disease In Reverse – The Hope of All Natural Plasmid Curing Compounds
This is almost too hard to believe. Imagine your own microbiome, The very essence of your health, Being turned against you…. Weaponized in ways you could NEVER have imagined! Sugar, as innocent as it seems… Has become the catalyst for a genetic subversion…. That...