If You Don’t Have A Forty Five — Mighty Mouse Says – Better Get One Fast, Plus



Some Hopfully Helpful Thoughts, Make Sure You Have A Backup Plan B In Case Of Unpredictable Crazy Shit.

1. bullets/ have more than 1 reload
2. beans
3. bandages & tourniquets
4. Armour plates
5. sight alignment
6. sight picture
7. trigger control
8. two center mass
9. one between bridge of nose and forehead
10. travel in small groups during daylight
11. 360 degree situational awareness
12. be aware of near by concealment and cover
13. do not talk to strangers
14. carry a fake wallet and phone to give up instead of real ones
15. get where your going get your business done and get on your way
16. do not loiter!
17. keep eyes and ears open
18. keep head up and scan surroundings
19. do not carry large amounts of cash, take only what you need
20. avoid confrontation
21. if you are approached and your instincts tell you they look like a criminal, they probably are.
22. criminals will always size you up before the attack, then they will launch the surprise attack when your not paying attention to them. if you notice a stranger paying attention to you leave the area immediately.
23. criminals always try to conceal themselves, hoodies, masks, hands in their pockets, looking around their surroundings to see who is watching them.
24. make a detailed description of them, commit it to memory.
25. Avoid high crime areas, convenience stores, atm’s crowded parking lots, secluded locations, groups loitering.
26. criminals want to strike weak victims fast and leave fast, some work in small groups using a distraction, do not let them distract you.

A few tips that might keep you alive to fight another day.

Remember The Old Saying “Assuming Is Making An Ass Out Of You And Me” Don’t Assume Anything!

Being prepared is one thing, banking on the fact that the system will continue somewhat like normal for a while is something else.

Lots of assumptions and lots of normalcy bias.

What makes one think that ANYTHING is going to be the same ol same ol?

Will stores even be open? Will gas even be available? Will anyone, or any business even be willing or able to sell things for cash?

There might be a VERY short window of opportunity to use cash after banks close but the attitude that it will last for days or weeks is very presumptuous.

The closer we get to TEOTWAWKI, the less people seem to want to believe it. It was fine in theory, but now that it might be staring us in the face there seems to be a lot of denial by those same people who used the term every other sentence a few years/months ago.

Get cash out of the banks? Sure!
Keep a stash just in case? Absolutely!
Expect that it is all going to work according to plan? No!

A lot of people are going to be panicking unto death if their scenario doesn’t pan out like they expected.

As Bill Holter says, “if you are excited that gold could hit $10,000 an ounce, or more, be careful of what you wish for because life will suck big time if that happens”

Prepping is a Godly idea and is not wrong in and of itself, but putting trust and faith in that stuff is a very bad idea.

Banks: Getting Very Much Worse; Very Much Faster, From The Hal Turner Radio Show!

Source: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/banks-getting-very-much-worse-very-much-faster

As of Saturday morning, 18 March 2023, the Banking crisis is getting a lot worse; fast.  CREDIT SUISSE CFO TEAMS ARE BEING CALLED IN TO WORK OVER THE WEEKEND TO CLEAN OUT THEIR DESKS!

This is just days after Credit Suisse received a $54 BILLION assistance package from the Swiss National Bank.

Word from corporate contacts says that Credit Suisse is “Weighing options and is under pressure to merge with UBS.”

Swiss regulators informed their US and UK counterparts on Friday night that the merger of the two banks is their Plan A in hope of preventing a total loss of confidence in Credit Suisse. The Swiss National Bank would like a simple and uncomplicated solution before the markets open on Monday. However, there is no guarantee that an agreement will be reached in the discussions.

There were also rumors overnight that US firm Blackrock wanted to make a bid for Credit Suisse, but that rumor was quickly refuted.

Meanwhile, Global stock markets tumbled again Friday over continuing fears of a broader banking crisis, despite elected officials’ pledges to shore up banks that may be in trouble.

Shares of First Republic Bank tanked 30% Friday despite $30 Billion of support from other banks.  First Republic Bank stock ended the week down 72%.

An interesting note: The Balance Sheet of the US Federal Reserve jumped to $8.69 TRILLION on March 15, up from $8.39 TRILLION on March 8.  They’re literally making “money” out of thin air by simply adding digits to computers which “creates” money in accounts.

They don’t have the money for that! If they try to run the printing press to cover that amount of debt, the dollar would collapse overnight. Foreign countries would dump all their dollar reserves. People would drain their accounts to go and buy hard assets while they still could.

Today’s financial turmoil is beginning to look a LOT like the 1980’s movie “Rollover” starring Kris Kristofferson, Jane Fonda, and Hume Cronin.  Here’s a scene from that movie showing what a world economic collapse looks like:

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